where's the setting to keep DVB Subtiles

Begonnen von CoolRaoul, Oktober 05, 2013, 20:12:00

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In a another thread, more than one year ago, someone wrote:

Zitat von: astraion am Juli 19, 2012, 03:07:12
I know TS DOCTOR can keep the subtitle streams, if I choose to do so.

I'm unable to find where is set that option allowing to keep the subtitles streams.

Could someone help? (I'm talking of "DVB Subtitles" streams, no teletext ones)


Ok, forget about it,
I've just found it:



Oh no, I'm still having  a problem

As soon I've edited the file (with "prepare cutting") the preserve streams windows becomes blank:

Editing remove the availability of preserving subtitles streams?


I'm a little bit confused because normally the TSD should detect DVD Subtitles automatically so that you don't have to preserve them manually
maybe Cypheros has an idea what's going on

@CoolRaoul: you should try to open the original file and check it with the TSD and then post the logfile here ;-)


Maybe the subtitle stream is empty or not part of the channel (not in the PMT).
Yes, log file would be great.


Here's what I've done:
  • Opened the file with ts doctor
  • Subtitles are detected
  • The "preserve streams" windows is the same in post #2
  • clicked on "prepare cutting"
  • selected subset of file
  • pressed "OK"
  • The "preserve streams" windows is now blank like in post #3

No log file is being created during those actions.


Make sure you have "Create repair log file" enabled under general preferences.

The log file has the same filename than the new ts file but the file extension is .log. It's a text file.


Zitat von: Cypheros am Oktober 06, 2013, 16:29:58
Make sure you have "Create repair log file" enabled under general preferences.

The log file has the same filename than the new ts file but the file extension is .log. It's a text file.

The log file is only created *after* having used the "save new file" action but the blank "preserve streams" windows appears *before* doing that.


If you don't want to create the new file with the log, just enable "Show log window" under general preferences and copy & paste the log infos from the log window.


Zitat von: Cypheros am Oktober 06, 2013, 16:37:40
If you don't want to create the new file with the log, just enable "Show log window" under general preferences and copy & paste the log infos from the log window.

No problem to create the log file, just wanted to point out the issue happens before creating it

Please find it attached


There are not many subtitle packets found:
Zitat$008C: 0%   = Subtitles (PES_StreamID BD = Private_Stream_1) [PTS][PESLength]
$008D: 0%   = Subtitles (PES_StreamID BD = Private_Stream_1) [PTS][PESLength]

Additionally the subtitles are not listed in the original PMT but the TS-Doctor will fix that if you select to preserve the streams.

If the subtitle packets are in an area that is cutted out, there is no longer a subtitle stream available.

If you open the cutted file, the TS-Doctor will not find any subtitle packets and remove the subtitles from the PMT. You can't even preserve the subtitle streams because the streams are not found.


I think that have found what's happening there

First I confirm that subtitles streams are all over the lenth of the movie (VLC is able to show them).

Just after having opened the file, "preserve streams" popup shows two subtitles streams.

Then I edit the file, split in 3 parts to remove 2 ads sequences and extra recording at the beginning and at the end.

When I go back to the "preserve streams" window, it's contents is either completely or partially blank but the stream selection lines (with the checkbox) are only starting to show up when I "blindly" click where there's supposed to be!


And ticking the check boxes really don't works easily: sometimes it works, sometimes I have to close then re-open the popup window to be able to do it.

Maybe simply a bug in the video driver?


Unfortunately, even after having being able (with difficulties) to select the two check-boxes in the "preserve streams" window, the dvb subtitle stream is missing in the resulting file

You will find attached to this post TS Doctor log file, and mediainfo analysis of the input and output file.


In complement, I have to recognize that I'm far from being a specialist in video editing.

I mainly use TS Doctor to cut TV recordings (removing ads) and to filter out unnecessary audio streams.

Most of the time my records come from my internet box and subtitles are in the form of teletext streams which I'm able to process using TS Doctor without any problem

However, for HD recordings, I'm using a USB stick on a NAS which generate files having subtitle in "DVB Subtitles" streams, which mediainfo recognize like this:

ID                                       : 140 (0x8C)
Menu ID                                  : 1 (0x1)
Format                                   : DVB Subtitle
Codec ID                                 : 6
Language                                 : French

I just want to be able to preserve those streams when editing file with TS doctor. Maybe I'm not doing it the right way?


OK, now I think to know, where the problem is.

Will check and try to fix it.
