MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0

Begonnen von jirim100, Mai 04, 2012, 20:54:40

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Good day,

  please, when I create DVD from repaired ts streams (MPEG2) in program "MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0" then sometimes audio on DVD (in created VOB files) is out of sync - this is my big problem. These ts files contains errors, of course, but when I repair the same ts files in program "VideoReDo Plus - QuickStream Plus"  and then create DVD - sync is ok. Even when TS Doctor show no errors and no warnings QuickStream Plus in VideoReDo Plus detect for example two video resync frames in 1 GB (and remove them). Unfortunatelly,  VideoReDo Plus - QuickStream Plus don't create log, therefore I don't know positions of these errors in source stream. I have only stream repaired with TS Doctor and stream repaired with VideoReDo Plus.
Or what I have to set in TS Doctor to avoid problem with out of sync?


Hi, the TS is in synch because the stream has for every audio and video stream it's own timers to keep the streams in sync.

But if you convert the TS to another format like VOB or MKV most tools ignore the timers and if there are errors in the streams they begin to run out of sync.

You can use the TS-Remuxer of the TS-Muxer to repair the AC3 or E-AC3 streams.


Unfortunately TS Remuxer don't repair my ts streams. In the log is, for example:

First valid video frame found at PTS: 00:08:19.017
PCR discontinuity at PCR: 00:08:18.567 498567ms
Start writing PID $01FF at PTS: 00:08:19.017 as video
Start writing PID $0120 at PTS: 00:08:19.096 aligned to video PID $01FF, remaining delay 79 ms
PCR discontinuity at PCR: 00:09:42.184 963ms
PCR discontinuity at PCR: 00:27:39.452 1110ms
Demuxing DONE

But why "PCR discontinuity" when ts stream was repaired with TS Doctor?


PCR discontinuity warnings telling me that there are some parts of the stream missing. It's not a bit problem but that could be the reason for the sync problems. The TS-Doctor can fix many things but not bring back lost data. What type of audio stream do you have on PID 120?

At the moment the TS-Doctor can repair only AC3 and E-AC3 audio streams.


Please, I don't know what type is it, but in log from TS Doctor is the following:

Identifying stream types

$0042: 0%   = PMT
$01FF: 96%  = MPEG2 Video (PES_StreamID E0 = Video_Stream_0) [PCR,PTS,DTS]
$0120: 4%   = MPEG1 Audio (PES_StreamID C0 = Audio_Stream_0) [PTS][PESLength]
$0000: 0%   = PAT

Stream Type    : 3
Description    : ISO/IEC 11172 Audio
Elementary PID : $0120
ES Info Length : 6
ES Info        : $0A, $04, $63, $7A, $65, $00
ES Info Text   : __cze_


Hi, sorry but audio is MPEG, not AC3. At the moment the TS-Doctor can't fill the gaps for MPEG audio. Try to use ProjextX to fix the audio stream.
MPEG audio fixing is on the ToDo list of the TS-Doctor.