Subtitle display time too short after DVB subtitle OCR conversion

Begonnen von klados, Februar 13, 2016, 13:05:57

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When I convert DVB subtitles to SRT start time for subtitles are usually pretty much in sync. However the time they are displayed is most of the time far too short. I have tested this with Potplayer using DVB subtitle as main subtite and SRT as secondary. This happens especially if certain subtitle line stays a bit longer on the screen and it seems that with Finnish subtitles it happens a lot :).

Is there something that could be tweaked in OCR process? Does it have "max display time" etc. for subtitle lines?


Hi Klados,
It would help us a lot, if you could upload such a sample .srt file on the forum
or post an extraction (20 subtitles long for example) ;)

then we could analyse what goes wrong exactly