The bug opening FFMPEG muxed ts

Begonnen von toshap, September 15, 2015, 09:22:27

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The TS-Doctor all versions does not open files, muxed with FFMPEG (last versions, beg. with May 2015, but open with February versions of FFMPEG)
I m recording the IPTV by FFMPEG. To open target file in the TS-Doctor, it is necessary before this remux it with TS Remuxer.
The error is "First PCR not found"
The example of FFMPEG records files is in attachment. It is too small I think - then the bug is another.


The recording doesn't contain a PCR.


Ok, thanks  :)
this file  is larger:
The error messge screenshort is in attachment


..if you use the same muxing tool, the file won't have a PCR no matter how long it will be ;)


Wrong PCR interval. PCR interval should be 20-30ms not 1120ms or 1280ms as in your case.

TS-Doctor packet protocol 15.09.2015 15:31
File: N:\Neu 17\toshap\example.ts
File size: 17172672 bytes

0000000000001B54 PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
0000000000003C48 PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1280ms
0000000000005CDA PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
0000000000007761 PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
000000000000997C PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
000000000000B3D2 PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
000000000000C9D0 PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
000000000000E2BA PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
00000000000101A0 PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1200ms
0000000000011D4C PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
0000000000013CCC PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms
000000000001608C PCR error, Deta to last PCR is 1120ms

91344 packets processed
12 errors

Try to change PCR retransmission interval to a more compliant value.


Thank you very much for your answer. Everything I tried, does not correct the situation. I will continue to pick ...
But whether your programmers make a workaround? I think the file is to be opened anyway..


Next version will accept PCR intervals up to 1500ms.


I will wait. And at the same time you can make the cut when cutting a piece began with a key frame that appears when cutting, not the previous one? And, at the same time ending no previous frame and displayed when cutting? For example, when using TS-Doctor renderer:
The cutting file is:
And then:
The settings are:


LAV Splitter is not as precise as Haali Splitter.
Try to change splitter to Haali.


Good, thanks!
Be kind, do to the file is not closed after cutting. Otherwise, to cut a few matches recorded a night at half, you need as much time to open a file entry, and it takes a lot of time. Or do checkbox. Can it?


have you tried out the 1,2,3 button in the cutting window? (bottom left)
it should do just what you want ;)



yeah I know, but you can select the areas you want to save into different files beforehand (in the cutting window) and then tell the tsd to save those to different files (with the 1,2,3 button)

The reason that the file is closed after saving is that this programm wasn't designed well enough and that a lot of variables get changed during the analysis-> it's not possible to go to the state after the analysis
just like it's not possible to save the data that was found in the analysis and load it again

this was requested several times already and it would require a rewrite of the programm or may not even be possible at all

a rewrite is in any case not worth the bother because it won't bring Cypheros more money
and a rewrite would not only take a long time but it would also cause other bugs to happen
and he is only one dev so if he would work on it then that would stop him from doing lots of other things that would be a lot more useful than this

it's not as useful as other features since you can reopen the file again


Zitat von: Djfe am September 18, 2015, 22:22:03
yeah I know, but you can select the areas you want to save into different files beforehand (in the cutting window) and then tell the tsd to save those to different files (with the 1,2,3 button)
but not different paths :(
Thank you all clear.