Latest version hangs on a specific file

Begonnen von CoolRaoul, Juni 23, 2013, 14:10:51

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Same problem has reappeared  :(

Currently using latest version (1.2.90)

I'm unable to edit the file


Could you offer a sample to reproduce the error?

Did you try to open the file trimmed?


I have a lot of difficulties to reproduce the steps  at will.

Important: it's *not* happening on *all* ts files,

  • I've been now able to open it without error (the PC has been restarted since my previous experiments)
  • But, on a second try, the program crashed with the following error message:

    An open trimmed" when having selected a small subset of the file has produced a crash with the same message. Pressing "OK" hanged the application
  • The last try I've made has managed to go upto the end of the "audio details scan" but then the programs has become unresponsive (with hourglass cursor).
Maybe the file is badly corrupted, although I've been able to watch the record using my internet set top box  from start to end

Now, I've manage to successfully open the file in "trim" mode, selected a subset of that than saved as new file but the saved file doesn't produce the error when opened.

And now, still with the same file, the error has changed: the audio scan pass terminate. I'm even able to select switch to "prepare cutting" task but there's still the hourglass cursor active and the application menu are unresponsive.


Ok, it looks like there is something in the stream that creates a buffer overrun. The consequence is, that the error is very hard to detect because the crash occures much later in the process.


Zitat von: Cypheros am September 28, 2013, 20:25:50
Ok, it looks like there is something in the stream that creates a buffer overrun. The consequence is, that the error is very hard to detect because the crash occures much later in the process.

I understand.

Since it re-happened only on that single file, that's not such a big deal.



I have a similar problem with that version of Ts-Doctor. I have two files that makes the software hangs just after opening.
Two comments:
- I had to change my laptop and have now both an upgraded version of TS-Doctor and a new OS (Windows 8). So I do not know for sure whether it could have worked with a previous release of TS-Doctor.
- I have been using TS-Doctor for a few years now without unsolved problems thanks to Cypheros efforts. This a very good soft with excellent support.


Is it possible to get such a file, that makes TS-Doctor hang?

Could offer a FTP server to upload a file.


Sure, can you send me the connection details?



I have uploaded one of the files. It is a bit large since I could not cut it with Rawcutter (it hangs as well).
The problem seems to be located at the beginning of the files since when I use the "open trimmed" option and ignore the first 5 mn, there is no problem any more for both files.


Hi, thank you very much for the sample. I will check it ASAP.


OK, checked with current Beta 1.2.93 and had no problems, even the file has many errors.