Dates of previous releases?

Begonnen von DragonQ, Dezember 02, 2012, 23:47:09

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I have a problem with MKV files I've created recently (MadVR doesn't automatically detect that they are interlaced), and basically I'm trying to narrow down what has changed since the files that work fine (up to at least 11/11/2012). I reckon it's one of three things:

1) A change in mkvtoolnix
2) A change in TS-Doctor
3) Change from Windows 7 to Windows 8.

(1) is unlikely since the release version hasn't been updated since the problems started happening. (2) is possible, and so is (3). So can you tell me what has actually changed in TS-Doctor since 11/11/2012 please?



Interlace flags are embedded in the video stream. The video stream is not changed by the TS-Doctor in any way.
So, the TS-Doctor can't be the problem.


OK thanks, so it can't be any issue with tags/headers in the resulting TS?


No, the headers are not changed.


Alright cool. Thanks for the fast replies.