No audio in the version 1.2.14

Begonnen von neutrino, April 22, 2012, 22:33:21

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I have updated from the version 1.2.05 to the new version.
Suddenly the audio is missing, in the previous version I have installed ffdshow_rev4305 and the audio worked rightly.
What can I do?


Under settings/preview you can find a button "Show DirectX Log". If you press it you will get a report about the creation of the preview graph. Please post this log. Maybe I can see why the sound is missing.


I noticed that the problem appairs only with MPEG2 files.


Hi, try the new Beta 1.2.15 and the problem is gone.
Or you could deactivate "Use fast sample grabbing method" under settings/preview to avoid this problem.


I have deactivated "Use fast sample grabbing method" and the problem is disappeared.
Before I try the 1.2.15 beta, I want know what happens deactivating "Use fast ....".


The Microsoft DTV/DVD Video Filter is not working with "use fast sample grabbing" on. So in new Beta 1.2.15 this option will deactivated automatically, if the Microsoft filter is used. If you want to use fast sample grabbing (faster screenshots) use another video filter like ffdshow or LAVFilters.