Two tips

Begonnen von jirim100, April 23, 2012, 10:03:43

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Good day,

  I have got the following two tips:

1. Please, don't show errors and warnings related to cutted out parts of streams. For example I cut out first 10 minutes (which contains errors and warnings) from ts stream then I save the new file - but in the end are showed errors and warnings which are only in first 10 minutes (which are not in the final file) but I don't know exactly whether final file is clean or contain still some errors and warnings. Show only errors and warnings related to parts of stream which are stored in final file.

2. Show actual video picture in cut window more online - not only when the slider stop moving but during moving with slider too (for me it's useful when I quickly find commercial blocks (commskip is very slow for me)).

With regards, Jiri M.