Suggestion: Navigation in Preview Mode

Begonnen von holmes, März 02, 2012, 18:11:08

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Hello Cypheros,

I 've been using TS-Doctor for many months now and I am very satisfied especially after your work to make it fully compatible with my Recorder (FreeBox HD).
I have sometimes crashes when I navigate through the stream using the slide bar. I suspect it may be related to the software registering several successive positions while the preview window is not updated yet. I can have similar problems when I click several times on the navigation buttons. So I took the habit to wait for the preview window to refresh between 2 clicks. As a consequence ,navigating through an entire stream can take some time. Would it be possible to get two new buttons (+/-  5 minutes) to get more flexibility?
Many thanks.



most of the navigation problems (crashes) are cause by the video decoder filters. Especially older ffdshow filters are very ticklish. Check for an update because newer versions are much more stable. But don't download the filters from anywhere because there are different ffdshow versions out there. Use this link to download the most current and stable version:

Did you discover the thumbnail view?
If you have "fast sample grabbing" activated then you will get a quick thumbnail overview of the movie. You can even setup the time interval between the thumbnail screenshots in the preferences.


Indeed I was not aware of the thumbview mode. It is very convenient though a bit slow on my computer.
To get less crashes, I suppose I should do a fresh install. What is the correct order for the installation: ffdshow tryouts then Ts-doctor ?


There should be no difference what tool is installed first.