mkvtoolnix - neue Version

Begonnen von ErichV, November 30, 2011, 12:16:57

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Version 28.2.0 (32-bit)
Version 28.2.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge, mkvinfo, mkvextract, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's info tool & chapter editor: fixed a case of memory being accessed after it had been freed earlier. This can be triggered by specially crafted Matroska files and lead to arbitrary code execution. The vulnerability was reported as Cisco TALOS 2018-0694 on 2018-10-25.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 29.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 29.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
Important notes

  • The string formatting library used was switched from boost::format to fmt. See the section "Build system changes" for details.
New features and enhancements

  • MKVToolNix GUI: added an option in the preferences for disabling automatic scaling for high DPI displays. Implements #2415.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: the GUI will now prevent the system from going to sleep while the job queue is running. This feature is implemented for macOS, Windows and Linux/Unix systems where the org.freedesktop.login1.Manager D-Bus interface is available. Implements #2411.
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: chapter generation: the start timestamps of chapters generated in intervals was wrong for files whose smallest video timestamp was bigger than 0. Fixes #2432.
  • mkvmerge: MP4 reader: fixed handling of atoms whose size exceeds the parent atom's size. Fixes #2431.
  • mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: the chapter name template will now also be used when reading Ogg-style chapter files with empty chapter names. Fixes #2441.
  • mkvextract: AAC: mkvextract will now write the program config element (PCE) before the first AAC raw data packet if the PCE is present in the AudioSpecificConfig structure in the Codec Private Matroska element. The PCE carries vital information about the number of channels and is required in certain cases. Fixes #2205 and #2433.
  • mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's header editor: in situations when a one-byte space must be covered by a new EBML void element the following element must be moved up instead. If that moved element is a cluster, the corresponding cue entries will now be updated to reflect the cluster's new position. Fixes #2408.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: Windows: the application manifest is now included properly so that Windows actually recognizes it. See #2415.
Build system changes

  • Qt's D-Bus implementation is now required for building on systems other than macOS and Windows,
  • The boost::format library is not used anymore.
  • The fmt library is now required. Versions 3 and newer are supported. As not all Linux distributions include packages for the library, its release 5.2.1 comes bundled with MKVToolNix. The configure script will check for a system version of the library and use it if present and recent enough. Otherwise it will fall back to the bundled version and link that statically.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 30.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 30.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvextract: WAV extractor: mkvextract will now write W64 files instead of WAV files if the file name extension is .w64 or if the final file size is bigger than 4 GB, the file size limit for WAV files. Implements #2458.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: a new button was added next to the "destination file" controls. Clicking it shows a menu with the ten most recently used output directories. Selecting one of them will change the destination file to the selected directory keeping the file name. Implements #2468.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer (preferences): the ten most recently used values for the "relative output directory" and "fixed output directory" settings are now saved. The corresponding settings have been changed into combo boxes allowing quick access to those recent values.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer (preferences): the predefined split sizes and durations can now be customized in the preferences.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: added an option in the "Chapter editor" menu for appending chapters from an existing file to the currently open editor tab. Part of the implementation of #2439.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: added an action in the context menu for copying the selected entry and all of its children to another open editor tab. Part of the implementation of #2439.
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: all files opened for writing will now be flushed once before they're closed. This ensures the operating system actually writes all cached data to disk preventing data loss in certain situations such as power outages or buggy drivers in combination with suspending the computer. Fixes #2469.
  • mkvmerge: AAC: under certain conditions 8 channel audio files were taken for 7 channel ones.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: removing a file added as an "additional part" will no longer cause a crash. Fixes #2461.
  • source code: fixed compilation with Boost 1.69.0 after API-breaking change to the boost::tribool class. Fixes #2460.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 30.1.0 (32-bit)
Version 30.1.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
Bug fixes

  • build system: fixed building on non-UTF-8 locales. Fixes #2474.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: implemented a workaround for drag & drop not working on macOS with Qt 5.12 due to a bug in Qt 5.12. Fixes #2472.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: when opening a Matroska/WebM file that doesn't contain chapters and later saving chapters back to them, the editor was truncating the file down to a couple of KB in size. This was a regression introduced with the implementation of #2439 in v30.0.0 Fixes #2476.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 31.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 31.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • all programs: added a new option --abort-on-warnings that will cause the program to abort after it has emitted the first warning, similar to how it aborts after the first error. Implements #2493.
  • mkvmerge, mkvextract: when closing files that were opened for writing, cached data will not be flushed to storage automatically anymore. This reverts the workaround implemented for #2469. A new option was added to both programs (--flush-on-close) that re-enables flushing for people who are affected by data loss such as described in #2469.
    The reason is that automatic flushing causes long delays in processing queues when the output by mkvmerge/mkvextract isn't the final product but just an intermediate result to be processed further.
    Implements #2480.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the dialog previewing different character sets for text subtitles will now keep the position of the displayed text when switching between character sets. Implements #2489.
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: AVI reader: using DV type 1 AVIs will now result in an unsupported file type being reported (as the underlying AVI library doesn't support them) instead of crashing mkvmerge. Fixes #2491.
  • mkvmerge: HEVC: the height of interlaced streams will now be set correctly to the height of the full frame instead of the height of a single interlaced field. Fixes #2446.
  • mkvmerge: MP4 reader: edit lists consisting solely of elements that mkvmerge doesn't support (such as dwells) are simply ignored. Before no data was read for such tracks at all. Fixes #2487.
  • mkvmerge: text subtitles: entries with an explicit duration of 0ms will now be handled correctly: the 0ms duration will be stored in Matroska instead of the difference between the current and the following entry. Fixes #2490.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer, chapter editor: fixed drag & drop handling with Qt 5.12.0 and newer. Fixes #2472.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the GUI did not clean up temporary files created when running mkvmerge. Fixes #2499.
Build system changes

  • Qt 5.4.0 or newer has required (up from 5.3.0) since version 30.0.0; I just forgot to include this entry.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 32.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 32.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvinfo: when sizes are output the size of the element's data portion is output in addition to the element's total size.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: info tool: the element's data portion is shown as an extra column.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added column "Delay" to the track list containing the additional delay to apply during multiplexing. Implements #2506.
Bug fixes

  • all: fixed handling of Unicode code points > U+FFFF. Fixes #2516.
  • mkvmerge: Windows: mkvmerge was crashing with an exception when trying to identify certain files that can be used on Blu-rays (such as MPEG transport streams of MPLS play list files) and when the file name was given as a UNC path (e.g. \\servername\sharename\path\to\file.m2ts). The GUI emitted errors such as "the JSON output could not be parsed" in that case. Fixes #2507.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: the portable mode wasn't detected correctly when the current working directory the GUI was started from wasn't the directory the GUI's executable file was located it. Examples for when this is the case are Windows' "send to" or "open with" functions. Fixes #2501.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: using button to change the current destination directory to one of the recently used ones did not update the file name according to the "make file name unique" setting. Part of the fix of #2519.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the function "set destination file name from selected file's name" will now only change the destination file's name but not its path. Part of the fix of #2519.
Build system changes

  • libEBML v1.3.7 and libMatroska 1.5.0 are now required as they fix their handling of Unicode code points > U+FFFF (see #2516).
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 33.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 33.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
Bug fixes

  • mkvinfo: when using the --size option, mkvinfo will now report the correctly if an element has an unknown size. Part of the fix of #2530.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: info tool: clusters with an unknown size will now be read and displayed correctly. Part of the fix of #2530.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: Windows: trying to open Blu-ray index or playlist files failed when the path to the files contained symbolic links (e.g. when mounting a drive in a sub-folder via Windows' disk management utility). Fixes #2522.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: if a destination file names ends with a number in parenthesis (e.g. a year such as "(2017)"), that number will not be stripped anymore during the process of ensuring the destination file name is unique. Only those suffixes added automatically in prior attempts to make the file name unique will be removed. Fixes #2521.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: Windows: the GUI will let the user change the drive letter part of the destination file name freely again and only verify its validity right before starting to mux/adding to the job queue. Before it tried to force that into something valid, often resulting in unintentional paths (such as "C:\users\...\DC\files\..."). Fixes #2527.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 33.1.0 (32-bit)
Version 33.1.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
Bug fixes

  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: Windows: using UNC paths (e.g. \\server\Videos) when the option "automatically set the destination file name" was set in the preferences, the GUI would create a destination file name with forward slashes (e.g. //server/Videos/outputfile.mkv), a syntax not supported by mkvmerge. Fixes #2533 & #2534.
  • build system: the programs were accidentally built without stack protection (-fstack-protector-strong) on recent versions of gcc and clang.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 34.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 34.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: all subtitle frames are now treated as key frames in order to fix wrong data in source files. Fixes #2541.
  • mkvmerge: AV1: fixed frame timestamp calculation when reading bitstreams that lack timing information from IVF files. Fixes #2553.
  • mkvmerge: Matroska reader: fixed an infinite loop that could happen with large video frames and applied timestamp files due to too much data being buffered at the wrong time. Fixes #2550.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 35.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 35.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvmerge: JSON identification: the "codec name" track property will be output as codec_name. The JSON schema has been bumped to v12 for this change.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job queue: added a new type of action to execute after job completion: deleting source files for multiplexer jobs. As this is a destructive operation, the action is disabled by default. Implements #869 and #2570.
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: the "codec name" track property wasn't copied from Matroska files. Fixes #2566.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: Windows: clearing the destination file name will reset the tab name to "<No destination file>" again. Fixes #2571.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the file types were not re-translated if the UI language was changed. Fixes #2572.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 36.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 36.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvmerge: mkvmerge now allows appending AV1, VP8, VP9, H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC tracks whose pixel dimensions differ. Implements #2582.
Bug fixes

  • source code: fixed building with Boost 1.71.0. Fixes #2599.
  • all: fixed the spelling of the H.264 & H.265 codec names.
  • mkvmerge: Blu-ray MPLS handling: mkvmerge will now find corresponding M2TS files even if the clip_codec_identifier playlist item field is not set to M2TS in the MPLS file. Fixes #2601.
  • mkvmerge: fixed handling of text files that use both DOS-style and Unix-style line endings resulting in problems such as text subtitle files not being parsed correctly. Fixes #2594.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 37.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 37.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • MKVToolNix GUI: the list of often used languages now contains those from Wikipedia's "List of languages by native speakers" by default. Also by default only those languages will be shown in the language drop-down boxes.
Bug fixes

  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: fixed a bug in the "make destination file names unique" logic that caused an existing number-in-parenthesis at the end of the file base name to be removed in certain situations (e.g. when the first added file was named m (3).mkv and both m (3) (1).mkv and m (3) (2).mkv existed already, the GUI was suddenly use m.mkv instead of m (3) (3).mkv).
  • MKVToolNix GUI: on Windows the GUI is built with a slightly older version of the Qt library again (5.12.4). The Qt version used in release v36.0.0, v5.13.0, lead to crashes when doing certain things such as selecting multiple tracks in the multiplexer. Fixes #2605 and #26008.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 38.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 38.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvextract: chapters, tags & cue sheets will now be written to standard output if no file name is given, same as if - is given as the file name.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job queue: added a new setting in the preferences' "job queue & job status" section that, when enabled, will cause the GUI to remove all output files created by jobs that are either aborted by the user or that end in an error. Implements #2614.
Bug fixes

  • all programs: macOS: fixed file access if the file name (including all path components) contains any Unicode character where NFC (Normalization Form Canonical Composed) and NFD (Normalization Form Canonical Decomposed) differ, e.g. German Umlauts. Fixes #2620.
  • mkvmerge: when splitting by chapters the user can now split by chapters coming from one of the appended files, too. Fixes #2625.
  • mkvmerge: AAC reader: fixed reading codec parameters (channels, sample rate) if a file starts with garbage that includes valid-but-bogus AAC headers. Fixes #2622.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: Hebrew was added to the list of often-used languages so that it can be selected by default again. Fixes #2610.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: when updating the GUI's settings from v37.0.0 or older, the GUI checks if the list of often-used languages equals the built-in list from v36.0.0. If it does, it will be updated to the built-in list changed in v37.0.0. Fixes #2611.
Build system changes

  • Boost's Operators header library is now required.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 39.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 39.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvmerge: Blu-ray: when reading an MPLS playlist mkvmerge will look up and use chapter names from the Blu-ray's "track/chapter names" meta data if it exists. Part of the implementation of 2486.
  • mkvmerge: MP4 reader: if present, cover art images (the meta.udta.ilist.covr atom) will be converted into attachments.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding a playlist from a Blu-ray disc, the disc library meta data will be parsed, and the biggest thumbnail, if present, will be added as a new attachment with name cover.jpg (extension depends on thumbnail's extension). Implements #2644.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding a playlist from a Blu-ray disc, the title from the disc library meta data will be set as the new file title if the disc library meta data contains one & no title has been set yet.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the automatically generated destination file name will now be based on the file title if one is set at that point. This works in conjunction with the title being said from the Blu-ray disc library meta data.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: when reading chapters from an MPLS playlist the GUI will look up and use chapter names from the Blu-ray's "track/chapter names" meta data if it exists. Part of the implementation of 2486.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: Windows: added a dark mode that's enabled when Windows 10's dark mode is turned on.
  • translations: added a Bulgarian translation of the programs & the man pages by Симеон Цветков (see AUTHORS).
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: attachments without a file name won't be ignored anymore. Part of the fix of #2642.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: attachments with an empty name element will be shown as <unnamed> as originally intended. Part of the fix of #2642.
  • Linux AppImage: the AppImage will no longer change directories before running the desired executable allow the use of relative file names. Fixes #2632.
Build system changes

  • MKVToolNix now requires a C++ compiler that supports the following features of the C++17 standard: "[[maybe_unused]] attribute", "nested namespace definition", "structured bindings". For the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) this means v7 or newer; for clang it means v4 or newer.
  • Boost 1.60.0 or newer is now required.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 40.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 40.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog
New features and enhancements

  • mkvmerge: MP4 reader: added support for BMP covert art images.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added an option to disable deriving the destination file name from the file title. Implements #2648.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the content of the "stereoscopy" combo box has been simplified making the box's minimum width much smaller, allowing the user to resize the GUI's whole window to a much smaller width.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: whenever the user changes the "aspect ratio" or "display dimensions" controls, the corresponding radio button will be activated automatically. Implements #2651.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: Windows: added a setting in the preferences to disable the GUI's dark color mode even if Windows's app color mode is set to dark. Implements #2646.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: Windows: replaced the dark mode introduced in v39 with another dark mode that's less wasteful with space between widgets.
Bug fixes

  • mkvmerge: MP4 reader: mkvmerge was reading eight bytes too many for cover art images. This could cause file identification to fail when the cover art was located at the end of the MP4 file. Even if it succeeded, this meant too much data present in the attachment. Fixes #2650.
  • mkvmerge: MP4 reader: covert art images with unknown image types will be skipped instead of treated as JPEG images.
Build system changes

  • Qt 5.9.0 or newer is now required for building MKVToolNix GUI.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.2, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server